Friday, July 8, 2011

Just Keep Running

There are a couple of things I've learned since I've started running.

1) Runners, even marathoners, are not superhuman athletes. They are just normal people with some determination
2) I'm genuinely impressed with anyone who is runs.

I've thought about running a marathon for 20 years. I thought it would be cool to say I ran a marathon but never put forth any effort to accomplish that dream. Even when I started running a couple years ago I never thought I would be able to run a marathon. It was just something that would be too hard. It would be too painful. I'm not strong enough to do it. (you can insert your own excuse here) But the more I ran the more I realized marathoners weren't amazing elite athletes, they just didn't quit, they wouldn't give up. They got up everyday and worked towards achieving that goal. In the rain, snow, and heat. They got up and they ran. They ran when they felt like it and they ran when they didn't want to. They believed they could achieve that goal, they kept pressing on, and they did it.

Slowly, I started believing the same thing. I realized I can achieve what I once thought was impossible. I became determined to complete my goal. Now I have no doubt I will complete a marathon. I may have to walk some of it, I may be slow, but I will complete it.

I also know it takes an incredible amount of determination to be a runner. It's not easy to drag yourself out of bed before everyone else and go for a run. It's difficult to tie the running shoes on after a full day of work. That is why I'm impressed with anyone who has the determination and discipline to be a runner. It's easier to sit on the couch and eat ice cream, sometimes it's more fun too. Whether you are running 20 miles or 1 time around the block, it's awesome. You are showing determination and strength to go out and do something most people will not do.

I know what it feels like when you are saying to yourself, "What am I doing out here, I should still be in bed.". I know what it feels like when your legs don't want to move and you go anyways.  I know how it feels to be totally intimidated when you see someone running effortlessly on the side of the road at faster pace than you can sprint. I know the embarrassment of trying to run 1/2 mile and needing to walk home, then having a neighbor ask how far I went.

All runners have good days and bad days. All runners have days when they wonder why they are doing this. They also have days when they feel like they could run forever. That's why I'm writing this blog. As a below average runner I want to share my experiences on my way to my first marathon. So people can find hope in themselves. So we can encourage each other to keep going. I'll share the good, the bad, and the ugly. (Already had an ugly run last week). It's all part of the journey.

In the interest of full disclosure I've decided to have my training log on a link in my blog. This includes my goal times for each run and my actual times. You can find it in the right hand column. I promise to be completely honest with my times, no matter how humbling it may be. I run every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, so check my training log to see how I'm doing.

So whether you are running 1/4 mile or 15 miles, don't become discouraged. Just keep pressing on. You have already shown the determination necessary to someday run a 5k or even a marathon. Just don't quit. Keep running.

1 comment:

  1. This is great encouragement Allan! After taking 4 weeks off I went out and ran a crappy 1 mile this morning. Ugh! But, I will get back out there again and keep going out until I get back to where I was and beyond. Determination. That's what it's all about. :-)
